ESG Software

Plan and deliver your Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Strategy and confidently report on the progress with an ESG software solution.

graphic of a globe, a tree, and a recycling symbol in front of a laptop representing ESG effort

Plan your ESG strategy

Define your ESG strategy and plan out the projects, programs, tasks, and actions that will help you to achieve your goals.

Consolidate your ESG data

Pull in ESG related data from other systems and data sources into the ESG platform via API integrations to centralize your ESG data and understand performance.

Streamline ESG Reporting

Streamline your ESG reporting process and report on ESG performance and sustainability management from one platform. Monitor ESG-related incidents, and ensure compliance with environmental guidelines.

Discover How
ESG Reporting Software Can Help You

Centralize ESG data collection and effortlessly report on progress against initiatives.
Streamline and improve ESG communications with stakeholders.
Proactively manage risks related to ESG.
Ensure compliance with ESG obligations, regulations, standards, and policies.
Optimize investments in ESG initiatives through strategic planning.
Use ESG data to reduce costs and identify operational efficiencies.
Implement processes that adhere to ESG standards like ISO 14001, TCFD, and sustainability reporting.
Align business processes with ESG & sustainability performance goals.
Attract investors, staff, and customers with green and ethical operations.

Identify Efficiencies & Create Value Through ESG and Sustainability

Watch our short video to discover how ESG management solution can support your organization to achieve ESG goals, meet reporting requirements relating to sustainability, climate, and environmental guidelines, and enhance your reputation.

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ESG Software Capabilities

A dashboard showing ESG strategy step by step

Build an ESG strategy

Use our ESG software to understand your current ESG position and develop an ESG strategy to define your ESG goals & objectives. Build an ESG framework and set ESG targets, uncover areas for improvement, and work sustainability health and financial performance into your overall ESG strategy.

Transform your ESG strategy by using simple tree views to document your strategic ESG plan by mapping out the programs, projects, tasks, and actions that will help the organization to achieve its ESG and sustainability goals. Allocate each task a clear owner, budget, and timeline to ensure accountability – and link personal responsibility to performance and development plans. As tasks and actions are completed, progress can be viewed at each level of the plan to understand how the organization is performing against its ESG goals & objectives and industry benchmarks.

Report on ESG Metrics & Initiatives

Use our ESG reporting software to establish baselines for ESG metrics and develop KPIs to understand progress. Track & report on key ESG data like carbon emissions, energy consumption, sustainability, and wastage and report on the social aspects of ESG like diversity & inclusion, modern slavery, bribery & corruption, supply chain risk, health & safety, and employee wellbeing. Our ESG reporting solutions enable firms to centralize ESG data management to measure, track, and report on the progress of key ESG initiatives using a variety of insightful dashboards & visual reporting options.

Our ESG reporting capabilities allow firms to easily monitor progress toward their ESG goals with interactive dashboards to identify areas for improvement – streamlining ESG reporting and management. Use our ESG tool to generate reports for stakeholders and investors, providing proof of your green credentials, ethical performance, sustainability and ESG initiatives.

ESG metrics reporting dashboard showing waste, social footprint, energy consumption, fuel consumption, etc.
Sustainability risk register displaying various ESG risks.

Manage ESG Risks, Controls, and Treatments

Effectively manage environmental risks, social risks, and governance failures in a centralized risk register, ensuring relevant controls and treatments are in place.

Monitor and address risks such as climate change impacts, environmental issues, governance failures, and information security threats & vulnerabilities with our comprehensive ESG risk management software. Use the ESG platform to implement effective controls and formulate workflows to implement treatment actions – using effective case management workflows. The user-friendly interface enables staff to complete risk assessments using online forms within the platform and provides quick access to risk related tasks & metrics for staff of all levels.

Leaders can use our ESG platform to make informed decisions by fully understanding the impact of ESG risks on their organization.

ESG Incident Reporting

Streamline your ESG incident reporting with our ESG monitoring software – featuring online forms, automated workflows for escalations & approvals, and robust reporting tools. Our ESG software ensures that all ESG-related incidents are reported consistently and are effectively prioritized – providing immediate insights for enhanced analysis and response. Whether it’s environmental incidents, health & safety issues, corporate conduct violations, or data privacy breaches, our ESG platform allows you to configure automated workflows that facilitate efficient incident management.

Enhance your governance framework by aligning incident reporting processes and procedures with company policies, regulations, and values. Our ESG reporting platform includes an anonymous whistleblowing portal, enabling secure reporting of misconduct, fraud, corruption, and bribery incidents.

ESG-related incident reporting tools including an environmental incident report form, an online reporting interface for incorrect disposal of recyclable material, and a whistleblowing reporting portal.
ESG compliance dashboard showing obligations, responsible officers, compliance status, risk assessments, and priorities for waste management, major hazard facilities, and water pollution.

Comply with ESG-related obligations

Ensure your business remains compliant with ESG requirements, regulations, and policies with our comprehensive ESG compliance software.

Build an ‘obligations register’ of ESG related regulations, standards, policies, and procedures (including mandates on modern slavery, data privacy, and climate reporting) and monitor compliance. Receive regulatory change notifications from your preferred regulatory content provider and automate & document the regulatory change management process to provide proof of compliance to regulators. Improve your social and governance credentials by setting up formalized processes for gifts & hospitality, conflicts of interest, sanctions checks, anti-money laundering, and a variety of compliance checks.

Manage third-party ESG risk

Ensure your network of vendors adheres to required ESG regulations, policies, and procedures by leveraging our ESG management software. Our ESG platform allows you to track the ESG compliance of contractors, suppliers, and third parties through seamless integrations with ESG data providers, ensuring all partners are aligned with your sustainability goals.

Conduct regular vendor reviews and receive automated alerts to streamline the monitoring process. Continuously monitor your supply chain performance against key performance indicators (KPIs) and service level agreements (SLAs) to ensure responsible sourcing and sustainable operations throughout your supply chain.

Third-party ESG compliance status from Sustainalytics, showing a company identification number, ESG risk score of 48, high ESG risk category, highest controversy level in environmental operations, and overall exposure score of 5.
Centralization of ESG data via APIs in a Camms database, integrating financial systems, HR systems, KPI systems, document management systems, and CRM systems, with visualization tools and web APIs for compliance, finance, and HR.

Centralize ESG data

Build a complete picture of your ESG status and demonstrate progression towards your ESG targets by centralizing your ESG data in our platform. Pull in data from other systems and spreadsheets into the platform via API integrations and collect new ESG data from across the business using a variety of forms, questionnaires, and surveys.

This amalgamation of data creates a single source of truth for ESG and sustainability reporting in one platform.

Resources relating to ESG Software

The latest and most relevant pieces of ESG Software content to keep your knowledge fresh.

Webinar ESG

Catch our recent webinar on turning ESG into a value creating function to understand why ESG matters, what ESG data you should be tracking, and how to create value from your ESG program.

Frequently asked questions about
ESG Software

ESG software is an online platform designed to help businesses manage their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) responsibilities efficiently and effectively. It enables firms to centralize and streamline the collection, tracking, and reporting of ESG data, ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations. With ESG software, companies can establish ESG goals, and monitor progress through automated workflows and dashboards. This software also facilitates the management of ESG-related risks and incidents, ensuring all actions are documented and traceable. By providing comprehensive reporting options and real-time insights, ESG software empowers organizations to align their operations with sustainability objectives, enhance transparency, and make informed decisions that support long-term success.

The market & demand for ESG software is growing – primarily driven by regulatory requirements, stakeholder scrutiny, and global pressures for sustainability.

When selecting an ESG software vendors, companies must consider?

  • Any ESG related regulations & environmental standards that you are required to comply with that will affect how you structure your ESG program.
  • How will you rate and categorize ESG related risks and incidents and ensure they are escalated and resolved appropriately.
  • Can the ESG software be configured to align with any bespoke requirements of your organization?
  • Can the ESG platform grow with your organization and offer further functionality as your needs expand in the future?
  • What information security protection does the ESG resource management software offer as standard and what additional security options are available?
  • Does the ESG reporting tool link to your other systems and data sources via API Integrations to ensure a single source of truth for ESG data across the enterprise?
  • Consider who needs to use the ESG software solution, what data will they input, and what format will they enter it. Establish what reports & metrics leaders will need to extract from the tool and in what format and how often. This will help with the initial set up and implementation of an environmental social governance platform.
  • Make sure the ESG platform can build a library of safety management master data, to understand company performance with health & safety protocols & standards.
  • Does the platform offer ample sustainability and ESG reporting capabilities to demonstrate your green and ethical credentials to key stakeholders?

The benefits of utilizing an ESG software platform include:

  • A reduction in time spent on ESG reporting, data manipulation, and admin tasks.
  • An ESG reporting solution provides a centralized view of ESG related risk and compliance activities across the entire enterprise.
  • ESG software enables the entire organization to feed into ESG related activities as part of their daily role – creating mountains of data to support decision-making and demonstrate green credentials & ethical practices.
  • An ESG platform generates better visibility of an organizations ESG goals, their current status, and the progression that the organization is making.
  • ESG software reduces the costs associated with ESG related risk monitoring and reporting.
  • ESG reporting software facilitates vital links between ESG goals, risk management, compliance with regulations, policies relating to environmental regulations and social & ethical issues, and operational performance.
  • ESG software ensures enhanced reporting of ESG metrics making it easy to report against key ESG related reporting requirements like The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), TCFD, CDSB, SFDR and social metrics like the modern slavery act and the bribery act.
  • Demonstrating commitment to ESG goals using ESG reporting software enhances a company’s reputation – making it more attractive to investors & customers alike.
  • ESG software enhances supply chain sustainability by ensuring that your vendors and suppliers adhere to environmental, social, and governance standards.
  • Using ESG software ensures an adequate data management supply of relevant ESG data to support both environmental and social reporting requirements.
  • The functionality in an ESG tool can streamline ESG reporting – giving staff more time to analyze the results and implement meaningful change to improve environmental credentials and ethical operations of the company.
  • Opt for ESG software that your team can configure in-house, as this will greatly reduce expensive implementation costs and professional service fees.
  • Choose an ESG platform with multiple capabilities like strategic planning, risk management, compliance, audit management, third party risk management, supply chain risk, IT & Cyber risk management, and project management all in one platform to effectively manage all aspects of ESG.
  • Choose ESG software technology with multiple customizable reporting outputs to satisfy requirements from regulators, investors, and leadership teams.
  • Select ESG monitoring software that integrates with your other systems and data sources via API integrations to ensure a single source of truth for your ESG data.
  • Select ESG solutions that offer out-of-the-box templates and forms to meet ESG regulatory requirements like, GDPR, ISO standards, TCFD, the Bribery Act, and environmental & employment laws.
  • Poor quality, ESG data due to a lack of data governance rules -fuelling data entry errors and inadequate information.
  • Capturing ESG data manually across various forms and spreadsheets leads to data problems like copy & paste errors, over written data, and incomplete information.
  • Disparate, siloed ESG data held in separate spreadsheets creates poor quality ESG data leading to inaccurate reporting outputs & poorly informed decision-making.
  • Large firms are unable to compare ESG metrics across different sites due to siloed data. This makes it difficult to understand the organizations position on green, sustainability, and climate related initiatives and their global ethical standpoint.

Get started and request a demo of our ESG Software

Fill out our simple form to see the Camms’ ESG software platform in action.

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