Our Newest cammsproject Client – Camden Council (NSW)

3 Min Read

Camden Council is one of the fastest growing Local Government Areas (LGA) in Australia, with the population forecast to increase from the current 88,000 to almost 230,000 by 2036. With the anticipated growth, Camden are committed to waste management, animals, real estate, environment and administration of urban developments.

It is Camden Council’s objective to provide opportunities for all Camden residents to embrace Camden’s culture and sense of Community.

With Camden already using  cammstrategycammsrisk and audit, they were  no strangers to the CAMMS ecosystem, and therefore, when it came to finding the right solution to align with their recently developed project management framework, cammsproject was an obvious choice.

With a user-friendly interface, short training period and the cross-platform compatibility, cammsproject was looked at favourably in their research process.

CAMMS is excited to be be supporting Camden Council as they continue to evolve their integrated planning and reporting framework – helping to holistically manage their strategy across many facets of the business.

If you are interested in how cammsproject can work in with your strategy, click here to request a demo.

About Camms

With over 20 years’ experience in Risk Management, we have the expertise, resources and experience to meet your unique risk objectives.

Recognised as a Cool Vendor in ERM software by global analyst firm Gartner and recognised as a ‘High Performer’ for the third time in a row within G2 Crowd’s Grid Report for GRC software, CAMMS has tens of thousands of users across five continents.

Our Risk Management solution, cammsrisk, is built to comply with international standards, such as ISO 31000:2009 and the COSO framework.

For more information, visit request a demo today.

Adam Collins

Our Chief Executive Officer uses his in-depth knowledge of the Camms platform to offer solutions that help our clients achieve their goals and improve performance

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