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IT GRC: The Cornerstone of Operational Resilience in the Digital Era

What you’ll learn…
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With many companies relying on digital applications & software platforms to run their operations, organisations are finding themselves exposed to a new range of digital risks & compliance obligations. The loss of vital systems or an IT security failure can have an enormous impact on an organisation’s ability to deliver its services and products. This has brought the digital aspect of governance, risk, and compliance – or ‘IT GRC’ – into sharp focus for organisations, making it a top priority in a bid to embed operational resilience.

In this eBook we explore 8 key areas that make up a comprehensive IT GRC programme. From understanding the intricacies of third-party risk management, IT policies, and audits to the broader GRC considerations of digital risk and compliance, the eBook highlights the importance of an IT GRC framework and explains how technology can support your organisation to implement a comprehensive IT GRC programme.

With many companies relying on digital applications & software platforms to run their operations, organisations are finding themselves exposed to a new range of digital risks & compliance obligations. The loss of vital systems or an IT security failure can have an enormous impact on an organisation’s ability to deliver its services and products. This has brought the digital aspect of governance, risk, and compliance – or ‘IT GRC’ – into sharp focus for organisations, making it a top priority in a bid to embed operational resilience.

In this eBook we explore 8 key areas that make up a comprehensive IT GRC program. From understanding the intricacies of third-party risk management, IT policies, and audits to the broader GRC considerations of digital risk and compliance, the eBook highlights the importance of an IT GRC framework and explains how technology can support your organisation to implement a comprehensive IT GRC program.

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