5 ways our customers are winning the battle against COVID-19

2 Min Read

McKinsey & Company published an insightful article in March 2020 – Beyond coronavirus: the path to the next normal.

Kevin Sneader and Shubham Singhal stated, that to win the war against Coronavirus required action across five horizons: Resolve, Resilience, Return, Reimagination, and Reform.

I have been amazed at how resilient and innovative our customers have been through this pandemic and delighted that we have been able to support them on their journey. I wanted to share five examples of how our customers have used our cloud platform to address their challenges across these five stages.



  1. Resolve: Working from home
    In response to the challenge and compliance of working from home, many of our customers have utilised Camms.Service to create a bespoke ‘Work from Home’ checklist that complied with their individual health and safety regulations. It includes a Lodgment Portal for all staff to register their intent to work from home; a requirement to complete a checklist which requires staff to audit and review working environment risks at home or elsewhere; a register of all submissions for HR and Management oversight, with analysis & reporting with ongoing auditability.
  2. Resilience: Incident Logs and Response
    A number of our large government departments have utilised Camms.Risk to notify, track and report on incidents that include exposure to COVID-19. They are now gaining better oversight by improving their ability to rapidly report, investigate and obtain deeper insights of business critical incidents. Some are even tying this back into more proactive risk assessments to ensure effective controls are in place to prevent incidents in the first place.
  3. Return: Creating a safe workplace
    A partner of Camms has been leveraging the digital collaboration capability of Camms.Project to manage the implementation of workplace designs that comply with new safety distance and eating regulations. This allows their teams to work on these challenging goals, whilst all in different locations, and provides visibility and good governance across the entire portfolio of their customers’ properties.
  4. Re imagination: Securing hybrid working models for the “next norm”
    The “next norm” will involve people working at home, back at work or other places. This will expose new layers of cyber and security risks for everyone. We have recently supported many executives and boards with how Camms.Risk can be used in conjunction with their IT risk management framework. Our platform has provided them with a better way to manage cyber and security risks by identifying, analysing, quantifying and communicating them at all levels, and to develop and resource appropriate treatments.
  5. Reform: Officers & directors duties, regulations and strategy execution
    Many of our customers are leveraging Camms.Strategy as a performance management vehicle to monitor and drive the execution of a COVID-19 mitigation strategy. This provides a common dashboard for directors and officers to view progress (initiatives, risks and KPIs) of their board/executive approved strategies.

What we’ve learned from our customers through this journey so far has been insightful. We take pride in working in partnership with all our customers to help them thrive.

We encourage all our existing customers and anyone else who may be interested to reach out to find out how Camms can assist with their path to the “next normal”.

Source: Beyond coronavirus: the path to the next normal   

Adam Collins

Chief Executive Officer

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