Regulatory Compliance Software

Ensure your organization remains compliant with a multitude of changing regulations, with regulatory compliance software. Receive updates from regulatory content providers, document regulatory change, and streamline and automate compliance processes.

a pie chart representing regulatory compliance statuses

Monitor compliance obligations

Create an online library of applicable regulations and use the compliance platform to establish step-by-step processes, policies and procedures to ensure compliance.

Live regulatory updates

Integrate the platform with your preferred regulatory content provider to receive notifications of regulatory updates in easily digestible chunks.

Regulatory Change Management

Implement a best-practice regulatory change management program to fully document the regulatory change process.

Our regulatory compliance software solution can help you to:


Identify regulatory compliance obligations and establish an online, searchable ‘obligations register’ to ensure continuous compliance monitoring.


Effectively prioritize workload, resources, and budgets by assessing the impact of potential non-compliance with regulations.

Reduce Risk

Proactively manage and mitigate compliance risk exposure by overseeing and addressing key regulatory obligations to prevent breaches.


Access live obligations registers of relevant regulations, legislation, policies, compliance frameworks, and authoritative documents to easily understand compliance status.


Transition from a reactive to a proactive approach to regulatory compliance.


Delegate responsibility and accountability for regulatory compliance obligations to key stakeholders listed in your active directory.


Track the progress of regulatory compliance obligations and the execution of corrective actions.


Receive timely notifications from regulatory content providers regarding regulatory changes that affect your organization.

Operate in line with globally recognized compliance management system

Regulatory compliance software capabilities

dashboard showing regulatory obligation statuses

Monitor compliance with regulatory obligations

Develop a comprehensive digital repository of applicable regulations, policies, and procedures and monitor compliance status. Our regulatory compliance management tool enables firms to carry out regular compliance checks and risk assessments to ensure efficient evaluation and documentation of non-compliance – making it easy to track progress and analyze results. Understand the impact of non-compliance and regulatory changes by linking regulations to the relevant risks, controls, policies, procedures, and business processes.

Receive compliance requirement updates

Our regulatory compliance management system integrates seamlessly with your preferred regulatory content provider, delivering real-time updates directly into your compliance program via partner plug-ins. This ensures effective tracking of regulatory change. The regulatory software simplifies complex legislation into manageable sections and employs automated workflows to alert responsible individuals about necessary amendments to policies, procedures, and business processes. This approach reduces legal costs and accelerates the change management process.

dashboard showing compliance requirement updates synced with third party plugin
4. dashboard showing obligation alerts

Manage regulatory change

Use our regulatory compliance management solution to implement a best-practice regulatory change management process to automate and fully document the change management process to ensure compliance. Connect regulations directly to relevant business processes, policies, and procedure documents, enabling stakeholders to easily identify necessary modifications. The compliance system documents the entire change process through automated workflows, providing clear evidence of compliance adjustments to regulators.

Obtain compliance attestations

Our compliance automation tool allows organizations to gather thorough documentation and evidence of employee adherence to regulations as well as attestations to policies and processes that support compliance efforts.

dashboard showing compliance attestations
dashboard showing regulatory compliance reporting

Simplify regulatory compliance reporting with integrated dashboards & reports

The integrated dashboards & reports in our regulatory compliance tool streamline compliance reporting. Create customized dashboards for employees at all levels to monitor their upcoming compliance tasks and key metrics. Generate a wide variety of reports to visualize compliance status, identify risks, and support informed decision-making.

Our regulatory compliance software offers many other compliance capabilities including:

Operate in accordance with widely used compliance frameworks

Use the best-practice templates, forms, and workflows in our regulatory management software to maintain compliance with globally applicable frameworks such as ISO standards, NIST, GDPR, PCI, HIPAA, and AICPA SOX.

dashboard showing GDPR incident lists
dashboard showing policy managements

Policy management

Use our regulatory compliance tracking software to build a detailed policy management library that captures essential information for each internal policy or procedure. Utilize workflows to automate the creation, distribution, approval, signoff, and updating of policies. Access reports on policy compliance and employee attestations to demonstrate adherence to regulations, standards, and internal guidelines. Link policies to any related regulations in your obligations library to facilitate policy updates based on regulatory changes.

Mitigate bribery and corruption risks

Implement a best-practice gifts and hospitality procedure to mitigate bribery and corruption risks. Employees can log the giving and receiving of gifts using online forms. Role-specific rules define acceptable gift levels, while workflows manage the escalation and approval processes. Controls are in place to flag potential bribery, and staff can easily adjust thresholds to align with policy updates.

dashboard showing bribery prevention and anti money laundering
dashboard showing conflicts of interests between employees

Conflicts of interest & disclosures

Create detailed profiles for staff that include relevant personal and professional information such as financial interests, relationships, and affiliations – to efficiently manage conflicts of interest and disclosures. This database helps identify potential conflicts of interest. Employees can report possible conflicts through online forms, while automated workflows escalate and track the resolution process, capturing all actions within the platform. Teams can generate various reports on policy adherence, conflict types, risk trends, and the effectiveness of mitigation strategies.

Whistleblowing & anonymous incident reporting

Create a secure online portal featuring online forms where employees can confidentially report issues or blow the whistle. Staff can use our regulatory compliance software to submit details of potential misconduct, triggering automated workflows that escalate incidents to the relevant stakeholders. The system records all evidence internally, enabling teams to monitor each case’s progress until resolution. The regulatory platform ensures anonymity for whistleblowers, and external portals can be established for vendors and clients.

dashboard displaying whistleblower incidents with codes, titles, responsible officers, and statuses
dashboard displaying sanction checklists

Sanctions checks

Keep an updated list of sanctioned entities, encompassing companies, countries, and jurisdictions. This enables organizations to perform comprehensive sanction screenings on prospective suppliers. Employees can enter information such as name, trading aliases, registration numbers, country of operation, trading partners, supply chain details, and product origins. The system automatically compares this data with the current sanctions list, flagging any possible concerns. Automated processes then escalate potential breaches to relevant stakeholders, empowering them to make informed decisions regarding business deals or contracts.

Audit Management

The best regulatory compliance software should include robust audit management features that aid firms in planning, scheduling, and documenting both internal and external audits. The platforms leverage automated workflows to conduct online audit checks, capture findings, and generate comprehensive reports. Additionally, our regulatory compliance software facilitates the implementation of corrective actions based on audit results.

dashboard displaying audit register showing statuses, audit type, and audit year

Streamline Regulatory Compliance with Regulatory Compliance Software from

Your Regulatory Compliance Software Resources

The latest and hottest pieces of regulatory compliance content to keep you in the loop.

Why Select Regulatory Compliance Software from Camms?

Efficient Deployment

Our regulatory compliance platform can be swiftly installed, allowing you to quickly begin reaping its benefits. On average, our implementation time is just 3 months.

Customizable Configuration

Unlike other regulatory compliance tools, our platform is highly configurable. Firms can utilize our best-practice templates and forms – further tailoring them to align with their specific organizational requirements.

Cutting-edge Technology Foundation

Built on the latest responsive technology, our regulatory compliance software ensures stability and high security, with screens loading in less than one second.

Modern User Interface

Our leading regulatory compliance software features a contemporary and intuitive user interface, simplifying compliance-related tasks for your entire workforce.

Mobile Accessibility

With a dedicated mobile app, our regulatory compliance software supports teams in conducting checks and receiving notifications on the go.

Multilingual Support

Available in multiple languages, our regulatory compliance platform allows global teams to perform tasks in their preferred languages.

Adaptable Workflows

Our compliance platform provides ready-to-use workflow templates for essential compliance processes such as gifts and hospitality, conflicts of interest, anti-bribery & corruption, and sanctions checks.

Data Security and Privacy

The Camms regulatory compliance tool prioritizes data security and privacy, holding certifications including SOC Type 1&2, ISO 27001, and Cyber Essentials. It employs structured permissions, encryption, and audit trails to ensure compliance with stringent security standards.

API Integrations

Camms’ regulatory compliance software seamlessly integrates with APIs, enabling firms to consolidate compliance data from various sources into a centralized repository, ensuring data integrity across the organization.

Discover more about Camms'
Regulatory Compliance Software

Frequently asked questions about
Regulatory Compliance Software

Regulatory compliance software solutions typically function as online platforms that help organizations implement best-practice compliance processes that form part of an organizations broader Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) program. These tools allow firms to establish an ‘obligations register’ comprising relevant regulations, legislation, policies, and procedures, which are monitored for compliance. Companies oversee compliance tasks by setting up checks to ensure proper processes are in place and followed, using operational data pulled into the platform via API integrations, alongside regular checks conducted through workflows and online forms.

Leading regulatory compliance software solutions integrate with third-party regulatory content providers like LexisNexis, providing alerts on upcoming regulatory changes directly into the compliance program. This facilitates swift adaptation to affected personnel, policies, and procedures. Change management workflows within regulatory compliance platforms ensure efficient implementation of required adjustments.

Regulatory compliance management tools offer pre-configured workflows supporting adherence to major compliance frameworks such as ISO standards, GDPR, NIST, CPS 230, and PCI DSS. They automate processes for sanctions checks, supplier due diligence, and managing protocols for gifts, hospitality, anti-bribery measures, and conflicts of interest.

Most regulatory compliance platforms include dashboards and reporting features that offer comprehensive insights into compliance status, allowing teams to investigate areas needing attention. Many compliance software solutions also integrate risk management functionalities, providing a unified platform for assessing the impact of compliance breaches on the organization.

The key features of regulatory compliance software include:
  • A digital, searchable online library for housing applicable compliance regulations.
  • Integration with third-party content providers to scan the regulatory horizon for changes – helping you to stay primed on regulatory intelligence.
  • Workflows for managing and automating the regulatory change management process.
  • Compliance frameworks, templates, and forms that align with major regulations and standards such as SOX, GDPR, CPS 230, HIPPA, PCI DSS, and various ISO standards.
  • Templates for managing key compliance processes including:
    • Regulatory change management.
    • Conflicts of interest.
    • Whistleblowing and disclosures.
    • Gifts and hospitality.
    • Anti-bribery and corruption (ABAC).
    • Anti-money laundering (AML).
    • Sanctions checks.
  • Automated compliance reporting – firms should seek regulatory compliance platforms that generate compliance reports automatically based on real-time compliance data.

Regulatory compliance software enables businesses to consolidate all compliance-related documents, policies, and procedures into a unified repository, ensuring easy access and currency of essential documentation. The software automates tracking and monitoring of compliance activities, generating regular status reports. It can be customized to align with specific regulatory requirements across various industries and jurisdictions.

Regulatory compliance tools provide automated regulatory horizon scanning to identify potential impacts of regulatory changes on the business. Upon receiving change notifications, automated workflows facilitate escalation and implementation while detailing affected processes, procedures, and policies for audit trail purposes.

Cloud-based regulatory compliance tools streamline processes and offer real-time insights to enhance compliance programs. User-friendly dashboards aid in issue management and assess control effectiveness, swiftly identifying potential compliance concerns and ensuring operations align with regulatory standards.

Regulatory compliance software can support financial services firms to stay compliant by building an ‘obligations register’ of applicable regulations and enabling firms to monitor compliance across multiple jurisdictions and countries ensuring embedded compliance processes.

Regulatory compliance software is essential for nearly all organizations, irrespective of their industry, as virtually every organization must adhere to mandatory regulations or industry standards. Industries with stringent regulations such as financial services, healthcare, education, gambling & gaming, and other financial institutions stand to benefit significantly from compliance monitoring software platforms. Additionally, organizations adhering to ISO standards like ISO 27001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 31000, or compliance requirements such as GDPR, SOX, NIST, PCI DSS, and HIPPA will greatly enhance their operations by implementing a regulatory compliance platform.

  • By enabling organizations to maintain an updated repository of relevant regulations, legal mandates, industry standards, and internal policies and procedures, ensuring thorough understanding of obligations and ongoing compliance through regulatory compliance management.
  • By facilitating reporting on regulatory compliance status & activities and implementing workflows to promptly address areas of regulatory non-compliance – avoiding regulatory fines and penalties.
  • By streamlining and automating compliance processes through automated workflows, instant notifications, real-time reporting, and intuitive dashboards that prioritize compliance tasks and clarify regulatory obligations – enabling firms to manage risk associated with non-compliance.
  • By providing best-practice workflows for essential compliance checks such as conflicts of interest, whistleblowing and disclosures, gifts and hospitality, anti-bribery & corruption (ABAC), anti-money laundering (AML), and sanctions checks.
  • By facilitating adherence to key compliance frameworks with pre-configured templates and forms – establishing a compliant operational environment.
  • By empowering teams with risk assessment templates to evaluate the impact of non-compliance – including effective supply chain risk management and vendor regulatory compliance.
  • Regulatory compliance platforms provide deep insights into areas of regulatory non-compliance allowing firms to anticipate risk and take the appropriate action to maintain compliance with applicable regulations – strengthening their compliance program.
  • Software regulatory compliance offers a structured compliance management system that supports teams in adhering to requirements with minimal training, fostering collaboration, productivity, and informed decision-making.
  • Regulatory compliance solutions allow firms to navigate complex regulatory landscapes across different regions and jurisdictions by examining global requirements and applying them on a local basis.
  • Regulatory compliance platforms also support organizations to manage compliance with data privacy regulations like SIO 27001, GDPR, NIST, and HIPPA.
  • Regulatory compliance platforms provide organization wide compliance programs that support operational sustainability challenges – as compliant operations typically secure more business and achieve more success as they offer reliable, trustworthy operations with high standards.

When evaluating regulatory compliance solutions, companies must consider:

  • Does the regulatory compliance system provide API integrations with other systems and data sources to ensure a unified source of compliance data?
  • Does the regulatory platform include workflows for conflicts of interest, whistleblowing and disclosures, gifts & hospitality, anti-bribery & corruption (ABAC), anti-money laundering (AML), and sanctions checks?
  • Does the regulatory compliance platform feature robust policy management capabilities following best practices?
  • Does the regulatory compliance tool offer templates to align with major compliance frameworks such as ISO standards, GDPR, SOX, NIST, PCI DSS, HIPPA, Basel III, COSO, and SOC?
  • Is the regulatory compliance solution highly customizable, allowing adjustment to out-of-the-box processes to fit your specific organizational requirements?
  • Do the security features of the regulatory compliance platform meet your IT team’s requirements and hold certifications like ISO 27001, SOC Type 1 & 2, and Cyber Essentials?
  • Does the compliance regulatory platform offer regulatory horizon scanning by connecting with content providers to deliver real-time notifications of regulatory changes?
  • What reporting capabilities does the compliance management platform offer, and do they align with both internal needs and regulatory requirements?
  • Does the regulatory compliance tool include other GRC capabilities within the same platform, such as risk management, cyber risk management, third-party risk management, incident reporting, strategic planning, ESG, and project management? Look for risk & compliance systems that offer these functionalities to support the future scalability and maturity of your compliance program, enabling integrated GRC practices.
  • Does the regulatory compliance platform provide an audit trail of regulatory compliance activities and sufficient reporting outputs to satisfy both internal stakeholders and regulatory bodies?
  • Does the regulatory compliance platform address data protection requirements, offer compliance frameworks for GDPR and NIST, and provide capabilities for cyber risk management and cyber incident reporting to ensure comprehensive IT GRC solutions?
  • Does the pricing model of the regulatory compliance platform align with your budget – enabling you to reduce costs through automation?
  • Does the regulatory compliance solution provide the ability to map all regulations to internal policies and procedures, legal entities, business units, people, products, and services ensuring legal compliance?
  • Does the regulatory compliance platform have integrated AI capabilities and machine learning to easily analyze compliance data?
  • Does the compliance platform enable you to set regulatory controls and carry out regular control checks and testing to ensure the organization remains compliant and streamlines regulation management?
  • The best regulatory compliance management tools automate reporting through intuitive dashboards, facilitating clear visibility of upcoming compliance tasks for timely completion by teams.
  • Managing compliance manually leads to poor quality compliance data, attributed to factors such as inadequate data governance, errors in data entry, copy-and-paste mistakes, overwritten data, and incomplete fields.
  • Manual regulatory compliance processes scatter compliance data across disparate and unconnected spreadsheets, resulting in low data quality that distorts reporting outputs and hampers effective decision-making.
  • Relying on manual processes without automation slows down regulatory compliance efforts, increasing the likelihood of non-compliance and associated risks. Regulatory compliance software enables you to stay ahead of risk and coordinate and standardize compliance efforts.
  • Informal manual processes hinder firms from demonstrating regulatory compliance due to fragmented documentation.
  • Disconnected processes and isolated data silos make it challenging to link regulatory compliance obligations with relevant controls, policies, risks, audits, and incidents.
  • Inconsistent risk frameworks and segregated data prevent firms from comparing regulatory compliance data across different sites, complicating the verification of regulatory compliance across departments and locations.

When researching the pros and cons of regulatory compliance software, firms should consider the following benefits:

  • A regulatory compliance tool enhances regulatory compliance by utilizing regulatory horizon scanning technology and automated change management workflows.
  • Regulatory compliance management tools mitigate potential compliance risks through proactive management of regulatory compliance-related issues ensuring effective risk and compliance management.
  • Regulatory compliance systems allow firms to manage regulatory compliance by generating automated compliance reports to facilitate efficient record-keeping, offering substantial evidence of compliance to regulators.
  • Product compliance management software automates tasks such as monitoring, reporting, and auditing, alleviating the administrative burden on staff and minimizing human error – ensuring adequate data management supply.
  • Regulatory compliance software fosters a compliant culture where staff are well-informed about and adhere to policies and regulations, with the ability to attest to them online – ensuring the organizations collectively meets regulatory compliance requirements.
  • Regulatory compliance management software delivers cost savings by reducing compliance monitoring expenses and decreasing occurrences of compliance violations, fines, and penalties.
  • Regulatory compliance management solutions offer supply chain sustainability by ensuring vendors and third parties are operating in line with any required regulations and industry standards.
  • Regulatory compliance management solutions enable firms to ensure compliance with health & safety regulations ensuring safety management master data that provides adequate proof of compliance.

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